During tour to Tanzania some of the tourists may want to have filming and aerial survey photography in-flight for mammals,birds,geographical features, the great rift valley, the crater, the mountains,hills,forests,flowers,trees to take back home as a witness of visiting this beautiful green country. We have climbing activities going on the highest mountain in the world being mount Kilimanjaro found in Tanzania in Arusha and many tourists loves visiting it and doing a scenic safari. This mount is covered by clouds especially in the mornings but from midday until 1530 pm you can do filming and aerial survey photography and this only can be achieved when you take a private charter flight by fixed wing aircraft or helicopter. Those using scheduled flights can only have a view and take photographs which will not be clear as the purpose of a sch eduled flight is to fly to destination keeping the timetable in mind. Those using private flights have the aircraft and the pilot at the disposal and can request for man oeuvres even around the mountain and this goes with a price as it is charged extra from the flight direct to destination and it requires low flying thus using more fuel. Aircraft hirers for the kind of service will have to inform the pilot in advance on the duration of the aerial survey photography so that more fuel can be put and also the flight will be charged direct plus the additional aerial survey photography to be able to ascertain the exact cost of the private charter. You can do a scenic flight from Mt Kilimanjaro, Mt Meru towards Arusha from Kilimanjaro airport to Olduvai Gorge,Oldonyo Lengai ,Lake Manyara as you head to Ngorongoro Crater and you can stop over either at Lake Manyara or Ngorongoro Serena for lunch or breakfast back to Arusha or Kilimanjaro or decide to stay a few nights there and be picked later using a private charter or scheduled flights. The ideal aircrafts for filming and aerial survey photography are the Cessna Caravan 12 seater single engine and the Let 410 UVPE-20 18 seater, Islander 7 seater twin engine, while for sight seeing and scenic flights the C-172/C-182 3 seater single engine piston engine,C-206/C-210 5 seater,Baron 55/58 5 seater twin engine piston.Secena 11 PA-34 5 seater twin engine
In the national parks & game reserves their accommodation is segmented as follows,lodges,tented camps which are exclusive and some do have only 20 lodges and 20 tents and the charges are inclusive of accommodation,meals,laundry,gave drives, park fees, champagne ,internet services. The hoteliers have not forgotten the budget travelers and we have also mobile camping whereby you can carry your tent, cooking utensils, blankets and only pay for the space for putting the tent or pay for tent whereby you will be provided with beddings and meals the choice is yours.
While on your private charter to your preferred destinations you will be able to see mammals, birds, flowers, trees, reptiles, insects which you can take photographs. Some of the mammals you will be able to see while in the air are as follows with their descriptions,
White Rhinoceros
The White Rhino is the worlds second largest land mammal-the Elephant being the largest. The animals name has nothing whatever to do with colour,but is a corruption of the Afrikaans word"Weit" meaning wide' and refers to the shape of the mouth, this being the most obvious difference between the two Africa species. Far bigger and heavier than the Black Rhino the head is large, square shaped and carries two horns. The front horn is the larger of the two, averaging 60cm in length; the rear horn is shorter and thicker. The ears are large and oval in shape, the eyes are small and the eyesight is rather poor. The huge body is covered with a thick hide of pale grey skin. The tail is short, terminating with stiff hairs.
Several attempts to reintroduce this species into East Africa's National parks have been undertaken in recent times, but most of the introduced animals have subsequently fallen to poacher's guns and snares. Hopefully, the latest introduction of seventeen animals from South Africa into Kenya's Lake Nakuru National Park will fare better, thereby securing the long-term future of the species in East Africa. They feed by grazing, using the wide mouth and strong lips to crop short grasses. They will feed throughout the day and night, but usually seek shelter from the hot midday sun. They will drink several times a day if water is readily available but during the dry season they can subsist by drinking every 3-4 days.Inspite of their bulk they are surprisingly quick and maneuverable.
Greater Galago
Also known as the Greater Bushbaby, this nocturnal primate has a rounded head, large ears, stout limbs and huge forward facing eyes. The coat is thick and fluffy and shows a wide variation in colour from overall grey with a white tip to the tail, to dark brown with a blackish tail tip. The darker animals tend to be found at higher altitudes and in damper habitats, lighter animals usually being found in drier, lower lying regions. The under parts are off-white and the short, pointed face has dark patches along the sides of the muzzle and around the eyes. The thick tail is longer than the combined length of the head and body, and is very bushy. They are expert climbers and have well adapted digits for this purpose.
Found throughout Tanzania, southern Kenya and coastal regions of Somalia, in variety f habitats including wooded savannahs bush and scrub and mountain forests to an altitude of 3,500m.They spend the daytime sleeping in hollow trees or dense foliage, becoming active at dusk and throughout the night. They feed on fruits, berries, seeds, insects, tree sap and small birds. Females build nests in hollow trees or dense vegetation in which to give birth. The young remain in the nest for the first 2 weeks of life, after which the females will carry them during their nightly foraging, provided the young have acquired the necessary growth and strength to hang on. They usually ride jockey style' on the mothers back. The senses of sight, hearing and smell are extremely good. Small family groups will maintain a territory several hectares in extent, making their presence known by depositing scent from a breast gland and by urinating on branches and tree trunks.
Yellow Baboon
Differs from the Olive Baboon in having a slender build and thin legs. The coat is short, yellowish/grey above the white/cream underparts.The long, pointed muzzle and the hands and feet are grayish.The head is round and the ears are small. They lack the mane around the head and shoulders which is such a distinctive feature of the Olive Baboon. The small, amber coloured eyes are close-set. The eyelids are white/pink and play an important role in communication, particularly in displaying aggression. The tail is long and thin, extending upward for a short distance before' breaking downwards at a sharp angle.
An animal of savannahs and woodlands in Tanzania and eastern and northern Kenya, where the forage both on the ground and in the trees. They feed on a wide variety of foods including, roots, tubers, seeds, leaves, grasses, fruits and many species of invertebrate. They live in large groups (troops') each averaging around 30 individals, dominated by a large male. Relationships are cultivated within the troop by all members, resulting in a well-defined hierarchy. The baboons will often engage in lengthy bouts of mutual grooming which helps to cement these relationships. They are territorial animals with each troop collectively maintaining a range of up to 30 square kilometers, which they defend forcefully against neighbouring troops. Only the highest ranking males will mate with a female during the peak of her cycle, other high ranking males may mate with females at other times.
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